2023 Phase I Call for Research Proposals

Digital Acquisition and Acquisition Integration and Interoperability (AI2)

Open call to all faculty, fellows, and research staff at SERC/AIRC universities for Phase I research proposals related to innovative ideas to improve the integration and interoperability of acquired defense systems. Funding awards for Phase I studies up to $75,000 are anticipated for the Fall 2023 Semester.

Research proposal responses are due by June 15, 2023, by 11:59 pm EDT.

Research Areas

Governing Cross-Organizational Integration and Interoperability Efforts. What governance structures can address distributed and de-centralized enterprise capabilities? Integrated, centralized enterprise capabilities?

Acquiring and Integrating Interoperable Capabilities Across Organizational Boundaries. What acquisition entity/structure can address enterprise capabilities?

Requirements Setting and Managing Requirements that Cut Across Organizations. What approaches could be introduced (e.g., increased direct combatant commander involvement)?

Budgeting and Financial Resources for Cross-Organizational Integration and Interoperability. What new budgeting approaches could be pursued (e.g., enterprise and portfolio budgets)?

Incentivizing Integration and Interoperability Across Organizations. What changes to incentives can drive progress in the four areas above?

Key Dates

Call for Research Proposals Open: May 11, 2023

Proposers Meeting: May 17, 2023

Watch of a recording of the ZoomGov meeting that includes answers to questions from researchers on how to submit a proposal.

Proposals Due: June 15, 2023, by 11:59 pm EDT   

Awards Announced: June – July 2023    

Submission Instructions

To apply for Phase I incubator funding, submit a short description of your proposed research concept, addressing the first six Heilmeier Catechism criteria used to “help Agency officials think through and evaluate proposed research programs,” namely:

• What are you trying to do? Articulate your objectives using absolutely no jargon.
• How is it done today, and what are the limits of current practice?
• What is new in your approach and why do you think it will be successful?
• Who cares? If you are successful, what difference will it make?
• What are the risks?
• How much will it cost (for Phase I)?

Proposals and all supporting material must be concise; proposals must be no longer than two (2) pages in length. An additional page can be included to contain endnote references, graphics, and URL links to faculty/researcher bios or CVs. Include the names of the research team, lead university, partner universities (if any), and research challenge area with the title of your proposed research task. Format should be text-extractable PDFs or Microsoft Word files.

The overall value of the submissions will be judged based on several criteria, including: intellectual merit, clarity of the vision, novelty, past performance of the investigators, the potential strategic impact on and importance for the DoD, and the degree of taking full advantage of academia’s multi-disciplinary research capabilities. For past performance, please include references to previous research reports and published papers. If there are other sponsors within the DoD who may be interested in your proposed research and might provide matching funds or project guidance, please include this information as well.

Research proposal responses are due by June 15, 2023, by 11:59 pm EDT.

Submit a Proposal

Read 2022 AIRC Incubator Reports